You can do a number of things to help tackle anti-social behaviour, whether you experience it yourself or you are concerned about anti-social behaviour in your neighbourhood.
- Report ASB when you see it
- Talk to your neighbour
- Join the ASB Service Development Group
- Join a local Tenants’ and Residents’ Association
If you have experienced or witnessed anti-social behaviour and you are not sure what to do, please talk to us first.
Talk to your neighbour
Before making a complaint or getting others involved, try to discuss the problem with your neighbour. Keep calm. Explain the problem clearly and stick to the facts. People are often unaware that they or someone in their household is causing a nuisance. If you’re worried about approaching them, write a letter explaining the problem. Again be clear and stick to the facts.
If the problem affects other neighbours, it may help to involve them as well. It can be easier to settle a dispute if the complaint comes from a number of people.
You could use a mediation service if talking to your neighbour doesn’t work. (Ask us for more information about this option.)
If you do not think it is safe, or if you feel uncomfortable approaching your neighbour – please talk to us first.