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When we you report anti-social behaviour, we will assess the seriousness of the problem before deciding the most appropriate action to take.

We will contact you within:

  • 24 hours for high-risk cases: things like hate crime, violence, threats, serious tenancy breaches or severe damage to property
  • 2 working days for medium-risk cases: things like rude offensive behaviour, non-serious damage to property, nuisance gatherings, nuisance noise, inappropriate use of public spaces, including stairwells
  • 3 working days for low-risk cases: things like minor nuisance, domestic noise, neighbour nuisance and dogs barking

We will:

  • Ask questions about what has happened and how it has affected you
  • Talk through the options with you, including help and support available to you
  • Be open and honest about what we can do
  • Be realistic about the likely outcomes of any action we take - particularly legal action

If you want our support, we will agree an action plan with you. We’ll write it down, so that you have a record of what was agreed. Your plan will depend on what has happened, but may include things like:

  • You speaking with your neighbour (but only if you are comfortable with this step, and you feel it’s safe to do so)
  • An ASB officer or Housing officer interviewing or writing to the perpetrator
  • Mediation - a quick and cost effective way of resolving disputes without the need to go to court
  • Asking Victim Support or other support agencies to help you
  • You and other witnesses collecting more evidence so that we can get a clearer picture of what is happening
  • In serious cases, starting legal action

Keeping in touch with you

We will keep you informed of how your case is progressing. Just tell us how and when you would like us to update you.