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Report anti-social behaviour

Notify us of anti-social behaviour so we can keep you safe
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What is anti-social behaviour?

Anti-social behaviour covers a wide range of unacceptable activity which causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to other people, including behaviour which puts people in fear of crime.

Examples of anti-social behaviour include:

  • Groups causing a nuisance
  • Vandalism
  • Noise nuisance
  • Harassment and verbal abuse
  • Misuse of communal areas
  • Threats to an individual
  • Hate Crime
  • Pets causing a nuisance

Anti-social behaviour policy

We are committed to tackling anti-social behaviour in the neighbourhoods we manage. We have a range of tools and powers that we can use against those who cause anti-social behaviour.

We will investigate all reports of anti-social behaviour and work with our partners to resolve the problem. You have the right to live in your home without fear of intimidation, nuisance or harassment.

If you, members of your household, or visitors to your property are acting in an anti-social way then you are breaching of the terms of your tenancy or lease. Persistent acts of anti-social behaviour will lead to enforcement action being taken against you by the Council and/or police. More serious incidences could result in an injunction, or possession of your home.

How to report anti-social behaviour

If you are experiencing anti-social behaviour or are worried about nuisance activity where you live:

In a non-emergency, call the police on 101 to report crime. In an emergency always call 999.

The police can help with complaints about:

  • Hate Crime
  • Graffiti and fly-posting
  • Drug use or dealing
  • Street drinking
  • Prostitution
  • Fireworks misuse

How to report anonymously

If you wish to report anti-social behaviour but you do not want to be identified then please click here. You will be directed to an anonymous reporting form on the council's website. These completed forms will be sent directly to our ASB team to record and investigate.

To report crime anonymously, you can also contact Crimestoppers on:

You do not have to give your name, and everything you say will be confidential.

What we will do

When you report anti-social behaviour to us, we will assess the nature of the problem before deciding the most appropriate action to take.

We will:

  • Contact you within 1 working day for cases such as hate crime, threats of violence or aggression.
  • Contact you within 2 working days for cases such as noise nuisance and or misuse of communal areas.
  • Review and assess the details of the incident and assign the case to a relevant officer.
  • Discuss the next steps, including the help and support available to you.
  • Agree with you how and when we will update you throughout the investigation.
  • Be open and honest about what we can do.
  • Be realistic about the likely outcomes of any action we take – particularly legal action.
  • Analyse the trends in ASB reports on council estates and deploy our Neighbourhood Patrol Team or Housing Management police accordingly.

All information provided to us is handled with the strictest of confidence.

What you must do

If you are experiencing neighbour nuisance, we will ask you to maintain a diary of events with key information such as; Time, Date, Location and Description of Disturbances. The officer assigned to your case will discuss the details of this diary sheet with you and agree the next steps. Click here to download a diary sheet.

You should report all instances of anti-social behaviour you experience or witness in your neighbourhood. Even if there is not enough evidence to act against the perpetrator(s), your report will be recorded and may help substantiate future cases, as well as aiding the ASB team in directing resources effectively. 

If you have reported an ongoing problem of ASB, but do not believe it has been dealt with you can ask the Tower Hamlets Council Community Safety Partnership to review your complaints (including incidents of hate) under the Community Trigger process.

The Community Trigger should only be used if no action has been taken as a result of repeat reporting to the council or police. It cannot be used to report general acts of crime.

Please follow this link to make a report using the Councils community trigger form:


Did you know?

In 2017, the Police introduced an ASB Warning system. Any individual found engaging in ASB is issued with an ASB Warning and their details are passed to the relevant landlord for follow up action. This may include a joint intervention visit to their home and referrals to support services.

This has proved to be an effective intervention, with the majority of individuals issued with an ASB Warning not coming to the attention of the Police again. Subject to supporting evidence, our ASB team may seek an injunction against any individual that disregards the ASB Warnings and continues to engage in ASB, causing nuisance to council residents.

We are more likely to be successful with any legal enforcement action if residents report details of any incidents of ASB they witness.

Contact us

Tower Hamlets Homes
Tel: 020 7364 5015

Out of Hours Service
Tel: 020 7364 5015