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Pay your service charge

Pay your service charge

This page has moved

Thank you for visiting us. This information has now moved to the Your service charge page on the council's website.

Pay service charge onlineopens new window

You can pay by bank card online (links to Tower Hamlets council's web payments 24-hour secure internet payments service).  Please have your credit or debit card to hand as well as your 11-digit invoice number (printed in the top right-hand corner of your invoice - it starts with 55).  A charge is made for credit card payments.

Don’t let your payment get lost

Whichever way you choose to pay, make sure your payment goes to the right account. Only use the digits for your invoice or payment reference number. Do not use any additional letters or digits. This way we'll be able to match your payment directly to your invoice or payment reference number.

Here are some tips when paying your bill:

  • Quote your 11 digit invoice number on all your correspondence
  • Write your 11 digit invoice number on the back of your cheque or postal order (You need to do this even if you are sending an instalment slip. Remember if your cheque or postal order has the correct invoice number on the back, it is easy to match your payment to your invoice number – even if the instalment slip separates from the cheque or postal order.)
  • Make sure you quote the correct invoice number when you use telephone banking
  • Check your six-monthly statements. Make sure all payments that you have made show on your account