What is the Residents' Panel?
Making sure that our services are the best that they can be and meet the needs of our residents means that we consult and involve our residents in everything we do.
There are a number of ways that you can get involved.
Residents' Panel
The Panel's role is to ensure that the resident voice – in terms of needs, concerns and aspirations, is listened to, heard, and acted upon by us. Members of the panel will scrutinise the performance of your housing management service and make any recommendations for service improvements.
The Panel meet every two months and are attended by residents and housing management staff.
Membership of the panel is open to 11 local residents, who serve a maximum of three year terms and meet every two months. The panel is usually made up of five tenants, four leaseholds and two private tenants of leaseholders.
We welcome observers to join meetings. If you're interested please contact us at Scrutiny@Thh.org.uk for more information.
What does the Panel do?
- Reviews and monitors customer service performance
- Challenges and explores under performance, and identifies areas for improvement
- Commissions in-depth scrutiny of services (see bottom of page for reports)
- Makes recommendations
Who are the current Panel members?
Meeting dates and papers
Papers from previous meetings are available by clicking on the relevant date.
Scrutiny reports
Energy Efficiency in New Build Properties (Jul 2018)
Managing Health and Safety During Major Works (Aug 2018)
Communications standards (July 2019)
Retrofitting energy Efficiency Solutions (Dec 2019)
Strengthening Co-Regulation (Aug 2020)
Involving residents during major works (May 2021)
Contact us
Telephone: 020 7364 7091
Email: scrutiny@thh.org.uk