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Reporting housing fraud

Support us make more homes available for those with genuine needs

We take housing fraud very seriously. If you think or know housing fraud is taking place, please let us know so we can make more homes available for people in genuine need. Here are some of the things we want to know about. When:

  • Someone has signed up or changed the details of their tenancy with false information or using false documents when applying for housing
  • Someone has let their home to someone else (sub-letting) whilst they live elsewhere
  • Someone is telling us they live in their council home but is living elsewhere, leaving the property empty
  • Someone has not let us know when a tenant has died and a family member continues to live in the property


Help us stop housing fraud.

If you have any information that a council property is being illegally sublet or a resident is involved in housing fraud please report this to Tower Hamlets Council’s fraud team using the following form:

or you can ring: 0800 528 0294

You can also tell us about suspected fraud by reporting it confidentially to your Neighbourhood Housing Officer.

Contact us by ringing 0207 364 5015